Scientists catch giant python eating a live snake even bigger than itself

Scientists capture giant python eating an even larger live snake
Scientists capture giant python eating an even larger live snake (Photo: David Clode/Unsplash)

Scientists from Bangladesh have documented a 3-meter-long Burmese python consuming an even larger reticulated python.

The unusual encounter between two of the world’s largest snake species was recorded by wildlife researchers from Akiz Wildlife Farm in Chittagong, who observed the Burmese python tightly coiling around the other snake and swallowing it from the tail.

“It was really an unusual situation to find two pythons in the same area,” said Ashikur Rahman Shome, co-author of the study and wildlife ecologist at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh, to Live Science.

The incident occurred in October 2020. The scientists reported that it took the python about two hours to completely consume its prey, they said in a recently published report in the scientific journal Reptiles and Amphibians.

The reticulated python attempted to defend itself by constricting the Burmese python, but relaxed its grip once it was subdued, according to the researchers, who added that they believe a likely cause of the incident was a territorial dispute between the pythons.

(Photo: Adnan Azad/Reptiles & Amphibians)

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